[dune-pdelab] inerpolate function in PDELab

Fri Jul 25 17:06:46 CEST 2014

Hi Steffen,

> How exactly did you set the different initial value?

For velocity in LU_Velocity class:
inline void evaluateGlobal(const DomainType & x, RangeType & y) const
    y[1] = 2;
For pressure in ZeroVectorFunction class called by ZeroScalarFunction:

inline void evaluateGlobal(const DomainType & x, RangeType & y) const

> Oh, and another question: What compiler are you using? We discovered a bug in PDELab that might bite you here if you are using an older compiler.

This morning my OS was updated from debian 6.0 (squeeze) to debian 7 (wheezy) and now it is ok... So as you said the problem is the compiler.
With wheezy the compiler is gcc 4.7.2 and with squeeze it was gcc 4.4.5.

Thank you for your help.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Steffen Müthing [mailto:steffen.muething at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de] 
Envoyé : vendredi 25 juillet 2014 10:58
Cc : dune-pdelab mailing list
Objet : Re: [dune-pdelab] inerpolate function in PDELab

Hi Xavier,

Am 23.07.2014 um 15:39 schrieb KUHN Xavier EUROGICIEL INGENIERIE <Xavier.KUHN at cea.fr>:

> Hello,
> I am currently learning how to use PDELab to implement Navier-Stokes equations.


> In navier-stokes folder of dune-pdelab-howto, interesting examples are already implemented but I do not understand how interpolate function works. When I run cgstokes_instat with LU2, pressure is initialized to 0 with ZeroScalarFunction and velocity to 0 with LU_Velocity. By directly changing these initial values in cgstokes_inital.hh file, it appears pressure gets the same value of the first component of the velocity. Could you help me to understand ?
> I checked in the previous version of pdelab and initial functions were given to interpolate with  NavierStokesDirichletFunctionAdapterFactory (deleted in the new one) and GridFunctionSpace did not have the same structure. I did not encounter this problem. Do you think I should reuse this deleted class ?

This is strange - I can change velocity and pressure initial values individually without a problem. How exactly did you set the different initial value?

Oh, and another question: What compiler are you using? We discovered a bug in PDELab that might bite you here if you are using an older compiler.


> PDELab 2.0.0
> Dune core module 2.3.1
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Xavier KUHN
> Software engineer at Eurogiciel
> Third part for CEA Cadarache
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