[dune-pdelab] Fwd: dune-pdelab post from ansgar.bohmann at bioquant.uni-heidelberg.de requires approval

Oliver Sander sander at igpm.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Apr 16 20:06:37 CEST 2015

Hi Ansgar,

>> 5) After all these failed, I set up a virtual machine with the beta2 of
>> Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet and installed DUNE (2.3.1) and PDELab (2.0.0)
>> from the repositories.
>> This finally works. But I'm unsure whether this is the recommended way
>> to go. Is worth upgrading to Vivid in order to use the packaged version?
>> I guess once I get it running I'm better off using git with the branches
>> releases/2.3 and releases/2.0 respectively (I guess there I could profit
>> from more recent bug fixes…).

if the binary packages work for you I see no reason why you shouldn't use them.
If the 2.3 release is good enough for you they make life a lot easier.

> Yes, especially considering that there is a new release (2.4) around the corner.

Which I (knowing the other Ansgar) expect to appear in Debian rather shortly :-)


>> By the way, can I still use the printouts and examples from the 2012
>> course? Is the documentation from 2009 on the build system still up to date?
> Even better, you can download the updated version from this year from
> http://conan2.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/git/dune-course/course-2015
> That module contains a one-touch setup script called build-external.sh.
> Maybe you can get up and running with the help of that script (take a look
> at it, it contains some documentation at the top).
> The build system info is definitely outdated, especially because we are
> switching from autotools to CMake with the next release.
> Cheers,
> Steffen
>> Thank you in advance!
>> Ansgar
>> (Well, usually this doesn't happen with my first name... Please don't
>> get confused! There's another Ansgar even with a not too different
>> surname but a lot more experience somewhere around here.)
>> Von: dune-pdelab-request at dune-project.org
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