[dune-pdelab] problem with nonoverlapping linear solvers

Carlos Cueto Camejo carlos.cueto at ovgu.de
Mon Aug 24 14:40:24 CEST 2015

Hi Marian,
Thank you for looking up the issue.

Yes, the nonoverlapping SSORk version works even with 2 processors
in the case of YASPGrid. I
I made a mistake in my code that overlap set to 1. Now this works in  
my example as well. But I can reproduce the same problem again by  
using UGGRID in the same example.
If you dont mind, could you check with the UGGRID (I observed that   
"q" is not defined.
I set it to 2. And driver function call is commented out by default)

thank you once again.

Best Regards

Quoting Marian Piatkowski <marian.piatkowski at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de>:

> Hi Carlos,
> you're right, on the current master the nonoverlapping Jacobi  
> version does not compile.
> We need to fix that asap.
> However the nonoverlapping SSORk version does work even with 2 processors.
> I have tried out the example in dune-pdelab-howto:
>  - src/convection-diffusion/nonoverlappingsinglephaseflow.cc
> Maybe adapt this code from the pdelab-howto.
> Best regards,
> Marian
> On 21.08.2015 16:47, Carlos Cueto Camejo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have problems with the nonoverlapping linear solvers in the  
>> attached test case.
>> My dune version latest version of all dune core modules and latest  
>> pdelab version from
>> GIT repo.
>> Operating system is : Opensuse 13.2
>> g++ : 4.8.2
>> MPICH: 3.1.3
>> 1) Dune::PDELab::ISTLBackend_NOVLP_BCGS_SSORk works well on sinlge CPU.
>> Solver produces explodes if I use more than 1 cpu.
>> 2) There are some compilation issues with Jacobi preconditioner.
>> (Please uncomment out line 243 in the attached file)
>> (this attached tets example is modified from testpoisson.cc in  
>> pdelab/test directory)
>> Please let me know if you need more information.
>> Thank you for looking up the issue.
>> PS: this test example works well with older version (dune-2.3.1)
>> Best regards and thanks in advance,
>> Carlos.
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