[dune-pdelab] Runtime Jump for Large YaspCube Grids

Dion Häfner dhaefner at iup.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Jan 20 19:33:47 CET 2015

Dear PDELab Developers,

when I was benchmarking my DUNE / PDELab module, I noticed a sudden jump 
in runtime (approx. by a factor of 4) as soon as the number of grid 
elements exceeded 2000 in a YaspCube grid. I could not reproduce this 
behavior with UG Grids, so I think it is somewhat specific to YaspCube 

Has anyone encountered a similar behavior before? How can this be adressed?

Sorry if my question is not very specific. If you need further 
information on my module or the methods used, please ask and I will provide.

Thank you in advance,

Dion Häfner

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