[dune-pdelab] Typetree cleanups

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Jul 14 07:48:14 CEST 2015

Dear PDELab developers,
please find attached four Typetree patches.

1) Replace some left-over "pdelab" by "typetree"
2) Cleanup the CMakeLists.txt
3) Add file extensions to Doxygen pages
4) Fix version number to not be 3.0 but 2.4 instead.

Please apply by using "git am -k <patch>"


Je n'ai rien contre les étrangers, quelques uns de mes 
meilleurs amis
sont des étrangers. Mais ces étrangers là ne sont pas de chez 
[Agecanonix, Astérix - Le cadeau de César]
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Name: 0003-Use-file-extension-for-Doxygen-only-files.patch
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Name: 0004-Version-is-2.4-dev-and-not-3.0-dev.patch
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URL: <https://lists.dune-project.org/pipermail/dune-pdelab/attachments/20150714/c813d156/attachment-0003.obj>

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