[dune-pdelab] Reg.: dune core git repo

Shubhangi Gupta sgupta at geomar.de
Sun Sep 9 18:51:40 CEST 2018

I found the dune core modules, dune-uggrid and pdelab modules on 
github.com/dune-project/... except for dune-alugrid.

Can anybody help me with downloading dune-alugrid?



On 09/09/2018 06:12 PM, Shubhangi Gupta wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am not able to access the git repo for the dune core modules.
> Is there a problem with the server? or am I using the wrong url 
> (https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-common.git)?
> Thanks, and best wishes, Shubhangi

Dr. Shubhangi Gupta
Marine Geosystems
GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research
Wischhofstraße 1-3,
D-24148 Kiel

Room: 12-206
Phone: +49 431 600-1402
Email: sgupta at geomar.de

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