[Dune] Grid tests don't compile with gcc 4.*

Oliver Sander sander at mi.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jul 27 11:13:18 CEST 2006

Dear Dune!
Ever since my last update, the grid tests don't compile with gcc-4.0
and higher anymore.  I get

../../dune/grid/common/indexidset.hh: In member function 'bool 
Dune::IndexSetDefaultImplementation<GridImp, IndexSetImp, 
IndexSetTypes>::contains(const EntityType&) const [with EntityType = 
Dune::Entity<0, 2, const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, Dune::UGGridEntity>, GridImp 
= const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, IndexSetImp = Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSet<const 
Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> >, IndexSetTypes = Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSetTypes<const 
Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> >]':
../../dune/grid/common/indexidset.hh:194:   instantiated from 'bool 
Dune::IndexSet<GridImp, IndexSetIteratorImp, IndexSetImp>::contains(const 
EntityType&) const [with EntityType = Dune::Entity<0, 2, const 
Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, Dune::UGGridEntity>, GridImp = const Dune::UGGrid<2, 
2>, IndexSetImp = Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSet<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> >, 
IndexSetTypes = Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSetTypes<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> >]'
checkindexset.cc:292:   instantiated from 'void 
Dune::checkIndexSetForCodim(const GridType&, const IndexSetType&, 
OutputStreamImp&, bool) [with int codim = 2, GridType = Dune::UGGrid<2, 
2>, IndexSetType = Dune::IndexSet<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, 
Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSet<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> >, 
Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSetTypes<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> > >, 
OutputStreamImp = Dune::DebugStream<1u, 4u, 1u, Dune::greater_or_equal>]'
checkindexset.cc:472:   instantiated from 'static void 
Dune::CheckIndexSet<GridType, IndexSetType, OutputStreamImp, codim, 
hasCodim>::checkIndexSet(const GridType&, const IndexSetType&, 
OutputStreamImp&, bool) [with GridType = Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, IndexSetType 
= Dune::IndexSet<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSet<const 
Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> >, Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSetTypes<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 
2> > >, OutputStreamImp = Dune::DebugStream<1u, 4u, 1u, 
Dune::greater_or_equal>, int codim = 2, bool hasCodim = true]'
checkindexset.cc:508:   instantiated from 'void Dune::checkIndexSet(const 
GridType&, const IndexSetType&, OutputStreamImp&, bool) [with GridType = 
Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, IndexSetType = Dune::IndexSet<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 
2>, Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSet<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> >, 
Dune::UGGridLeafIndexSetTypes<const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2> > >, 
OutputStreamImp = Dune::DVVerbType]'
gridcheck.cc:969:   instantiated from 'void gridcheck(Grid&) [with Grid = 
Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>]'
test-ug.cc:153:   instantiated from here
../../dune/grid/common/indexidset.hh:303: error: cannot convert 'const 
Dune::Entity<0, 2, const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, Dune::UGGridEntity>' to 
'const char*' for argument '1' to 'char* index(const char*, int)'
../../dune/grid/common/indexidset.hh:303: error: cannot convert 
'Dune::Entity<0, 2, const Dune::UGGrid<2, 2>, Dune::UGGridEntity>' to 
'const char*' for argument '1' to 'char* index(const char*, int)'


* Oliver Sander                ** email: sander at mi.fu-berlin.de        *
* Freie Universität Berlin     ** phone: + 49 (30) 838 75217           *
* Institut für Mathematik II   ** URL  : page.mi.fu-berlin.de/~sander  *
* Arnimallee 6                 ** -------------------------------------*
* 14195 Berlin, Germany        ** Member of MATHEON (www.matheon.de)   *

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