[Dune] trunk <-> 1.0
Markus Blatt
Markus.Blatt at ipvs.uni-stuttgart.de
Fri Mar 23 13:27:41 CET 2007
On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 03:16:05PM +0100, Andreas Dedner wrote:
> eine kleine Anfrage:
> 1ch find es etwas erschreckend wie schnell 1.0 und das trunk in
> nervigen Kleinigkeiten auseinander driftet. Es geht um solche
> Sachen wie is_same <-> SameType, RemoveConst <-> remove_const
> neuer UG Konstruktor <-> alter UG Konstruktor.
I am just experiencing the same problems here with dune-disc. Yes it
is somewhat annoying. Actually I thought that Oliver wanted to keep
his changes backwards compatible. Obviuously he did not do that...
> Eine gewisse downwards-Kompatibilitaet sollte man doch gewaehrleisten;
> dass soll heissen: Code sollte sowohl mit trunk wie auch mit 1.0
> laufen und das ist jetzt (bevor 1.0 ueberhaupt draussen ist) schon
> nicht mehr der Fall. Fuer Packete wie dune-fem fuer die keine 1.0
> Version raus kommt ist das ziemlich unangenehm, weil man sie entweder
> fuer 1.0 oder fuer das trunk schreibt.
IMHO there are quite some possibilities to overcome this problem:
1. Make a branch that works with 1.0. IMHO this complicates things for
the maintainer, i.e. I do not want to do this.
2. Introduce forward compatibility into the release and skip the old
version. Best for the user, additional work for 1.0 and against
feature freeze!
3. Introduce backward compatibility into the trunk and keep the
additional modules to the old interface.
I would take route 3, as it does not delay 1.0 any
further. (Eventually one would need to take route 1.0, though)
Further Opininions?
This topic is pressing as it postpones the testing of the tarballs in
my case.
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