[Dune] beta4 tested

Bernd Flemisch bernd at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Fri Mar 30 15:32:28 CEST 2007

Dear Dune developers,

I had the chance to test your beta4 distribution (which is, by the way,
not yet announced on the web page). There is not so much to tell, only
that everything worked in a perfect way. This includes

- building everything with dunecontrol: I did not have to include one
single option

- creating a new project with duneproject

- testing our implementation, that is, the discretization of a two-phase
flow problem by means of an IMPES approach based on simplest
cell-centered finite volumes. We are working with SGrid in 2D, using
dune-common, dune-grid, and dune-istl. Includes working on different
grid levels by employing, e.g,  HierarchicIterator.

Best wishes


Bernd Flemisch                               phone: +49 711 685 69162
IWS, Universität Stuttgart                   fax:   +49 711 685 60430
Pfaffenwaldring 61                  email: bernd at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
D-70569 Stuttgart                       url: www.iws.uni-stuttgart.de

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