[Dune] Problem with duneproject

Yufei Cao cao at ians.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Jun 19 13:27:41 CEST 2008

Dear all, 

Recently, I met with a problem of duneproject. Please see below.
Could anyone please tell me how to solve it? Thank you in advance!


== Dune project/module generator ==

duneproject will assist you in the creation of a new Dune application.
During this process a new directory with the name of your project will be
created. This directory will hold all configuration and Makefiles and a
simple example application.

1) Name of your new Project? (e.g.: dune-grid): dune-try
2) Which modules should this module depend on?
   Following modules are found:
   dune-common dune-grid dune-grid-howto dune-istl dune-subgrid dune-disc
   Enter space separated list: dune-common dune-grid dune-istl dune-disc
3) Project/Module version? 0.1
4) Maintainers email address? yufei

creating Project "dune-try", version 0.1
which depends on "dune-common dune-grid dune-istl dune-disc"
with maintainer "yufei"
Are these informations correct? [y/N] y

A sample code dune-try.cc is generated in the "dune-try" directory.
Look at the README and dune.module files there.
Now you can run dunecontrol script which will setup the new module.
Sometimes you may have to tweak configure.ac a bit.
cao at nmh19:/afs/.mathe/home/ians2/cao/DUMUX$ ./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --only=dune-try 
--- going to build dune-try  ---
--- calling all for dune-try ---
--- calling autogen for dune-try ---
Skipping dune-autogen
--- calling configure for dune-try ---
ERROR: configure.[in|ac] found, but configure missing
did you forget to run autoconf?
--- Failed to build dune-try ---
Execution of dunecontrol terminated due to errors!


Best regards,

Yufei Cao
Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Numerische Simulation
Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mathematik für Höchstleistungsrechner
Pfaffenwaldring 57 
70569 Stuttgart

Tel.:  +49 (0)711 685-65558
Fax:  +49 (0)711 685-65507

Email: cao at ians.uni-stuttgart.de 

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