[Dune] YaspGrid Entities of higher codim.
Robert Kloefkorn
robertk at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Sep 3 08:55:03 CEST 2008
Hi Peter,
> I think it is. The underlying MutiYGrid class only knows about codim dim
> and codim 0. That is why YaspGird does not have entities 0 < codim <
> dim. Adding full support for all codimension would be a lot of work
I see, I see.
> (SGrid did that and was slow for that).
But I have to add that this argument would mean, that all grids
supporting entities of higher codimension would be slow. And this is not
the case. I think there are some shortcomings in the implementation that
should be removed and SGrid would be at least a usable Grid. Also, an
implementation of a structured grid that is much slower than all other
unstructured grids is not really a good advertisement for a package like
Dune. But of course somebody has to do it and like always we are short
on man power I guess.
Robert Klöfkorn <robertk at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de>
Mathematisches Institut Tel: +49 (0) 761 203 5631
Abt. für Angewandte Mathematik Fax: +49 (0) 761 203 5632
Universität Freiburg
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