[Dune] Creating an ALUCubeGrid from a DGF file

Sven Marnach sven at pantoffel-wg.de
Mon Jun 14 12:45:32 CEST 2010


I am trying to build an ALUCubeGrid from a DGF file.  The main
function of my program looks like this:

    Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
    typedef Dune::ALUCubeGrid<3,3> GridType;
    typedef GridType::ctype ctype;
    const int dim = GridType::dimension;
    Dune::GridPtr<GridType> gridptr("grids/test.dgf");

Running the program yields the following messages:

GridParameterBlock: Parameter 'dumpfilename' not specified, not dumping!

**WARNING (ignored) could'nt open file < alugrid.cfg > . Using default values: 
0 < [balance] < 1.2   partitioning method "METIS_PartGraphKway"

Created parallel ALUCubeGrid<3,3> from macro grid file 'grids/johansen.dgf'. 

johansen: serial/gitter_mgb.cc:812: void ALUGridSpace::MacroGridBuilder::finalize(): Assertion `((hface4_GEO *)(*i).second)->ref == 2' failed.

Does anyone understand the assertion?  Is it due to an error in my DGF
file?  The DGF file is 7 MB, so I do not attach it.

Thanks for your help,

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