[Dune] Creating an ALUCubeGrid from a DGF file

Andreas Dedner dedner at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Mon Jun 14 13:03:34 CEST 2010


The problem is difficult to analyze without the dgf file. The difficulty
is in the Macrogrid builder from alu where he apparently some entity 1 
was not attached to two codim 0 entities or one codim zero entity and 
one boundary segment. Either the grid is not conform (which macro grids
for alu have to be) or some boundary segment was missing. DGF should 
generate all missing boundary segments...

Perhaps you can email the dgf file to me?


On 06/14/2010 12:45 PM, Sven Marnach wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to build an ALUCubeGrid from a DGF file.  The main
> function of my program looks like this:
>      Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
>      typedef Dune::ALUCubeGrid<3,3>  GridType;
>      typedef GridType::ctype ctype;
>      const int dim = GridType::dimension;
>      Dune::GridPtr<GridType>  gridptr("grids/test.dgf");
> Running the program yields the following messages:
> --------------------------
> GridParameterBlock: Parameter 'dumpfilename' not specified, not dumping!
> **WARNING (ignored) could'nt open file<  alugrid.cfg>  . Using default values:
> 0<  [balance]<  1.2   partitioning method "METIS_PartGraphKway"
> Created parallel ALUCubeGrid<3,3>  from macro grid file 'grids/johansen.dgf'.
> johansen: serial/gitter_mgb.cc:812: void ALUGridSpace::MacroGridBuilder::finalize(): Assertion `((hface4_GEO *)(*i).second)->ref == 2' failed.
> --------------------------
> Does anyone understand the assertion?  Is it due to an error in my DGF
> file?  The DGF file is 7 MB, so I do not attach it.
> Thanks for your help,
>      Sven
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