[Dune] [#779] test-ug fails, apparently to to allocator problems in the GenericGeometries

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Tue May 25 19:24:55 CEST 2010


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#779 - test-ug fails, apparently to to allocator problems in the GenericGeometries
User who did this - Martin Nolte (nolte)

Hi Oli,

you are the UG maintainer, so feel free to do as you like. I consider this bug fixed.

On the discussion whether the generic geometries should have a setup method: The generic geometries are designed to use dynamic polymorphism in case of hybrid grids. The geometry itself is currently a just a pointer to the actual implementation. It can be created, copyied and assigned. A "setup" method does not make sense, since you cannot setup a quadrilateral to represent a triangle. In the current design, your way of using them is misuse.

While we can, of course, discuss how this should be changed in the future (I would suggest a Dune meeting for this purpose), I don't think leaving this bug in UG a good way to handle the situation. But as I said in the beginning: You are the maintainer...

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