[Dune] [#821] ConfigParser violates strict aliasing rule

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Tue Nov 2 20:23:38 CET 2010


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#821 - ConfigParser violates strict aliasing rule
User who did this - Carsten Gräser (Carsten)

Storing refernces to subtrees is not uncommon and would not work with this approach.

Since ConfigParser as it is will not persist in the mid term I suggest to deprecate ConfigParser and to note that you need -fno-strict-aliasing if you keep using it. It's IMHO not worth to put more effort in solving this issue.

However, before deprecating it we should move the parser stuff somewhere else. While  boost::PropertyTree (the one we mimic) uses simple free functions I'd prefer static methods in some ParameterTreeFactory struct.

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