[Dune] [#766] Separate GenericGeometries and the SmallObjectPool

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Thu Nov 4 23:56:55 CET 2010


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#766 - Separate GenericGeometries and the SmallObjectPool
User who did this - Martin Nolte (nolte)

At least now everyone can see where my problems were in the first place (huh, 1 year of discussion for nothing...)

As to your question: Finding out the real type by a template metaprogram and would, of course, be possible. On the other hand, a virtual method destruct( allocator< void * > ) might achieve the same. The thing with all of the approaches is that the allocator is created via copying, i.e., the instance creating the object differs from the instance destroying it. I don't know whether this is conforming to the standard. Actually I guess not, because otherwise the creation and destruction method should really be static.

In my opinion it boils down to the problem that static polymorphism and dynamic polymorphism are two entirely different concepts and should not be mixed. So, two allocator concepts are needed: STL allocators for static polymorphism and, e.g., PolyAllocators (adequate name to be found) for dynamic polymorphism.

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