[Dune] [#766] Separate GenericGeometries and the SmallObjectPool

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Thu Nov 4 23:44:56 CET 2010


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#766 - Separate GenericGeometries and the SmallObjectPool
User who did this - Carsten Gräser (Carsten)

This is essentially what I would do. I also wanted to implement this for the GenericGeometries as you suggested. However there is one problem:

They do only provide the base class type for destruction. This is no problem whith new delete and the SmallObjectPolyAllocator since the later keeps trac of the size of the allocated memory itself.

In contrast to this an stl::allocator needs to know the (derived) type of actual object for deallocation. So we would need to complement the whole TMP machinary for recursive creation by the corresponding destruction methods. As far as I can see this should not be a real problem, just a lot of work.

@Martin: Do you see any problems with the described approach?

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