[Dune] about assigning different material properties to different sub domains in parallel

Nagaiah Chamakuri nagaiah.chamakuri at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 16:16:08 CET 2010

Dear DUNE,

I am trying to add a different material properties to different parts of sub
regions in a domain.
* *For sequential computations I was successful using DGF format for UG and
ALUGRID_SIMPLEX grids in* 2D.*

for parallel computations I did not success with UG grid. It gives the
following error.
"Dune reported error: Dune reported error: NotImplemented: load balancing
with data attached".
(of course ALUGRID does not support parallel computations for 2D domains)

I think gmsh format also does not support yet.

Now I am wondering, is there a way to do it for parallel computations?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards
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