[Dune] YaspGrid Download?

Christian Engwer christi at uni-hd.de
Wed Sep 1 13:55:32 CEST 2010

Hi Sascha,

> I am trying to develop a sample program with Dune and would like to
> try the YaspGrid implementation. However, I cannot find a download
> location for it. Can anybody help me out?

the YaspGrid is one the few grid directly included in the dune-grid
module. So there is no need for an extra download :-)

All core modules are available from

For the beginning you might want
dune-common, dune-istl and dune-grid.

If you write your own discretization this is sufficient. If you want
to use an existing discretization framwork you migth try dune-pdelab
or dune-fem. Both are additional modules, not part of the core dune
platform and you find links to these modules on the external modules page:


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