[Dune] Release branches for the upcoming 2.1 release created

Jö Fahlke jorrit at jorrit.de
Thu Feb 17 15:41:51 CET 2011

Am Thu, 17. Feb 2011, 14:59:06 +0100 schrieb Martin Nolte:
> I have one question, though: Why don't we grant write permission to
> release-2.1 branch to all core developers? With the current solution all
> patches have to be ported by either Robert or myself. I see two disadvantages:
> First of all, we might forget an important patch. Secondly, sometimes patches
> don't port 1:1 and we have to ask the creator of the patch to apply it to the
> release branch, fix it, and send us a diff. Since most such patches will come
> from core developers, wouldn't it be easier if they could simply commit them?
> The release managers can always revert unintended patches.

Alright, I changed it to the following setup:

| group             | path                  | permission |
| DuneAll           | /                     | rw         |
| DuneAll           | /releases             | ro         |
| DuneAll           | /tags                 | ro         |
| DuneAll           | /branches/release-2.1 | ro         |
| ReleaseCommitters | /branches/release-2.1 | rw         |
| ReleaseManagers   | /tags                 | rw         |

ReleaseCommitters: christi, dedner, graeser, joe, mario, mblatt, mnolte,
                   peter, robertk and sander
ReleaseManagers: mnolte, robertk


"Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, kann auch seine echte Emailadresse
angeben." -- Luke321 im Telepolis-Forum
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