[Dune] Reading in a mesh created by Cubit

Nicolas Schwenck nicolas.schwenck at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Sun Jul 17 10:33:51 CEST 2011

On 2011.07.16 22:22, Alex Evanovic wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem while exporting the file as an IGES. The geometry 
> gets exported but the meshing does not get exported.
> When I import it to gmsh, I get the geometry, but not the cubit 
> meshing. I have to mesh it in gmsh again which I do not prefer. I want 
> the Cubit meshing retained.
> Please note that my gmsh version is compiled with Open Cascade. It's 
> the dev version, gmsh nightly windows version.
> In fact, after I export the cubit mesh into IGES, and if I import it 
> again back to Cubit, I lose the meshing.
> Could you please suggest regarding this?
> I apologize as the question is more related to Cubit and not to DUNE. 
> But in the end, I need the gmsh mesh for reading it into DUNE. If some 
> one can help me why I am losing the meshing while exporting as IGES, I 
> will be thankful.
> Regards,
> Alex
I have not much knowledge of Cubit nor gmsh. But up to my knowledge the 
iges file format is optimised for saving geometry data not 
triangulations. I depends on Cubit if you can tell it to export "not 
optimal". Another possibility can be to export as a Nastran (or STL or 
other, check your Cubit export documentation) input file which is 
basically a list of vertices with coordinates, followed by elements... 
etc. You should be able to read this into DUNE with very little effort.


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