[Dune] [#891] changing of configure.ac not possible for extracted tarballs

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Wed Mar 2 16:45:12 CET 2011


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#891 - changing of configure.ac not possible for extracted tarballs
User who did this - Bernd Flemisch (Bernd)

Maybe one has to accept that. Which means that I cannot e.g. include new directories with Makefiles in an extracted tarball. Ok, maybe you are simply not supposed to do that.

Still, if I change it back again to the original configure.ac, it tries to run that and fails with the same error. 

Does that mean that whenever I accidentally change configure.ac, I have to get the tarball again? Or can I somehow revert that change in a way such that the system does not try to execute configure.ac? And why is configure.ac then provided in a tarball at all? 

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