[Dune] [#604] move reference element related stuff to separate module (Attachment added)

Dune flyspray at dune-project.org
Sun Nov 6 19:40:44 CET 2011


The following task has a new comment added:

FS#604 - move reference element related stuff to separate module
User who did this - Jö Fahlke (joe)

I'm currently trying to test what Christoph Grüninger has implemented.  The
procedure is as follows: compile all modules required for and including
dune-grid-howto, dune-grid-dev-howto, and dune-pdelab-howto normally, as far
as possible.  Then, using a skript, try to compile every program and run every
test in those modules and note the result.  Then compare the results for a
baseline set of revisions and the geometry branch.

As the baseline set I'm using the following revisions:

dune-common/trunk at 6523
  basically trunk trunk at 7730, but with the patches trunk at 7729 and trunk at 7723
  left out since they were causing problems
dune-grid-howto/trunk at 362
dune-grid-dev-howto/trunk at 97
dune-localfunctions/trunk at 1025
dune-istl/trunk at 1504
dune-pdelab/trunk at 1666
dune-pdelab-howto/trunk at 491

The list of to-be-compiled programs and to-be-run test in the baseline is
attached.  Also attached is a skript to compile all these programs.


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