[Dune] [Dune-Commit] dune-istl r1524 - trunk/m4

Christoph GrĂ¼ninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Sat Feb 11 18:04:27 CET 2012

Hi there,
first I want to apologize for any inconvenience my faulty
commit might caused. Please tell me if a have to communi-
cate more (or less) before I change code.

I reverted the move of the BLAS test. If more parts have
to be reverted I'm sorry and will do it.

> are you sure the test wasn't run implcitly by some
> other test.

I checked but unfortunately I missed the LAPACK test.
Beside that only petsc.m4 in dune-pdelab calls it but that
is not a problem because dune-istl is required by PDELab.

> please be cautious with changes to the build-system. It
> is fragile!

Sadly I'm aware of that fact. Currently I want to clean up
the tests to make dependencies more obvious. Maybe we can
throw away some old tests nobody uses anymore or where
former problems are now solved by newer libraries or
compilers. For example the LAPACK test is almost 10 years
old. We should check whether the projects from which we
copied tests have improved them in the meantime.

Thanks for giving me the heads-up,

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