[Dune] Removal of deprecated VTKOptions

Robert Kloefkorn robertk at mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Jun 14 20:30:31 CEST 2012

Hi all,

Christoph did the correct thing by removing the deprecated VTKOptions
class after the release and I hereby thank him for all the work that he
has been doing lately to improve the code quality of DUNE. There is
absolutely no need to have an additional announcement for removing
deprecated classes, big change or not. Next time we'll have to fill a
form or what? This is exactly the right way to get people less and less
interested in investing time into something like DUNE.

From the people complaining nobody mentioned so far that the
DUNE_DEPRECATED tag for the VTKOptions class did not work at all. The
deprecation was there for a long time an nobody noticed. So if somebody
should be blamed then the one you implemented this deprecation tag
without checking that it works correctly. On the other hand this problem
is just to unimportant to care about it. By the way in dune-fem it was
two or three lines to change at it took about 5 min. So what's the big
fuzz all about?

People that are not satisfied with these problems that occur from time
to time in the trunk can stick with the release and they won't stumble
upon these things.




  Dr. Robert Klöfkorn           <robertk at mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de>

  Lehrstuhl Numerische Mathematik für Höchstleistungsrechner
  IANS, Uni Stuttgart
  Pfaffenwaldring 57
  D-70569 Stuttgart
  Telefon   +49-(0)711 / 685 - 69773


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