[Dune] Local Refinement - elementids are not assigned to newly generated mesh elements

DHIRENDRA VAIDYA dhirendra22121987 at gmail.com
Fri May 18 06:32:24 CEST 2012


I am generating mesh with gmsh and reading it with gmshreader and
gridfactory, where every element is assigned an element id

typedef Dune::ALUSimplexGrid<dim,dim> Grid;
typedef Grid* GridPointer;

typedef Dune::GmshReader<Grid> GridReader;
typedef Dune::GridFactory<Grid> Factory;

std::vector<int> boundaryid;
std::vector<int> elementid;
GridReader gridreader;
Factory factory;
char ch;
GridPointer gridptr = factory.createGrid();
const Grid& grid = *gridptr;

then I am locally refining grid with mark and adapt. Now the newly
generated elements are not assigned elementids of its parent elements. I
find it logical to preserve elementids of parent elements.

Also in function mark(refCount, entity), refCount is not working. even if
you put refCount>1 mark () marks element with 1. I reported this earlier
but didnt get reply.

Warm Regards,
Dhirendra Vaidya
VNIT Nagpur
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