[Dune] Dune on OS X 10.9 Mavericks?

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Nov 13 15:49:43 CET 2013

Hi again,
Xcodes's Clang does the trick when I switch to CMake. I'll have to
investigate the differences in the config.h from both build systems.

> Well, I think you're fine as long as you compile *everything* using
> either GCC or clang.

That did not hold me. With only one compiler it did not recognize
shared_ptr. Maybe the installation is broken. Thanks for your answer, it
helps me to isolate the problem.

Thumbs up for CMake,

Une science n'était vraiment développée que quand elle
pouvait utiliser les mathématiques.    (Paul Lafargue)
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