[Dune] What is the convention for specialized class functions in Dune

Aleksejs Fomins aleksejs.fomins at lspr.ch
Mon Aug 4 15:19:19 CEST 2014

Dear Dune,

I would like to implement the elementInterpolator class, which uses
lagrange polynomials to interpolate over the element of a given type,
given interpolation order.

So far I have implemented classes triangleInterpolator and
tetrahedronInterpolator, but I thought it would be much more scalable to
generalize all of them to one class such that other element type
functionality could be easily added

So the question:

I would like to have one class with general interpolation functionality,
and a sub-function interpolate which would depend on the particular
element chosen.

Would you suggest doing it using templates or using overloading?

I have tried to do it using templates, writing a little test program
below, but it has an error and I don't seem to be able to find online
what is wrong with it.

Thank you,


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <int cl, int dim>
class impl_prototype {
  impl_prototype() {}

  int f(int x) { return cl + 2 * g(x); }
  int g(int x) { return cl + 1 * x;}


template <int cl>
int impl_prototype<cl, 1>::g(int x) { return cl + 3 * x; }

int main ()
  impl_prototype<0, 0> test_0;
  impl_prototype<0, 1> test_1;

  cout << test_0.f(5) << " " << test_0.g(5) << std::endl;
  cout << test_1.f(5) << " " << test_1.g(5) << std::endl;

  return 0;


template_test.cpp:15:35: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class
impl_prototype<cl, 1>

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