[Dune] Using Ninja with CMake

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Jul 22 08:17:30 CEST 2014

Hi there,
during last week's PDESoft coding days, encouraged by talks 
the deal.II guys and their large savings using ninja-build [1]
instead of make, I gave it a try.

1. With one line commented out to disable Fortran which is 
    by ninja and a modified dunecontrol call all modules 
worked as expected.
2. There are savings compared to plain make in the range of 10 
% to 25 %.
    These are mainly the result of parallel building and the 
lead is
    melting away compared to make -j. Only for larger modules 
like DuMuX
    a make which does actually no building is 15 s compared to 
0.008 s.

I documented how to use ninja in the Dune user wiki [2].


[1] http://martine.github.io/ninja/

Das Kommt darauf an, in welchen Zeiträumen du
rechnest. Für Geologen: ja, in naher Zukunft
[Stefan Seyfried in suse-laptop]

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