[Dune] parallel alugrid

Ganesh Diwan gcdiwan83 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 14:07:51 CEST 2015

Hi Dune list

I am not able to distribute the grid with loadbalance when I use alugrid as
gridtype.  All processes contain the same number of elements as the
original grid. I think alugrid is not correctly configured for parallel
mode. However uggrid seems to work as loadbalance splits the grid and I can
see the rank partitions in vtk output fine. I configured with following
contents in my opts file:

--enable-parallel \
--enable-experimental-grid-extensions \
--with-metis=/usr \
--with-metis-lib=metis \
--with-parmetis=/usr \
--with-parmetis-lib=parmetis \
--with-alberta='/home/gcd3/dune/ext_build/alberta' \
--with-zoltan='/home/gcd3/dune/ext_build/Zoltan-v3.82' \
--with-ug='/home/gcd3/dune/ext_build/ug' \
--prefix='/home/gcd3/dune/core-2.4.0/install/' \

Do I need to include any other flags, perhaps adding CXXFLAGS=mpicc? I was
under impression that --enable-parallel would invoke the parallel flags for
grid, is it correct?

Thanks in advance for help,
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