[Dune] Periodicity for unstructured grids
Matteo Semplice
matteo.semplice at unito.it
Tue Dec 13 08:01:33 CET 2016
Dear Martin,
thanks a lot for the clarification (and for unveiling the
dist=geoIn.global( xIn ) - geoOut.global( xOut ) trick!)
On 12/12/2016 20:31, Martin Nolte wrote:
> Hi Matteo,
> maybe I did not make myself clear: There are two suggestions on the
> implementation of periodicity (see my first answer on this thread).
> The documentation always refers to the only officially supported
> approach of discretizing the n-torus (Approach), which is implemented
> by YaspGrid only. AlbertaGrid, ALUGrid and SPGrid implement Approach
> 2, which I usually refer to as "support for periodic boundary
> conditions" to emphasize the difference to modeling the actual
> manifold. The latter approach was never officially discussed and can,
> hence, not be part of the documentation.
> It might be confusing that the majority of grids supporting periodic
> boundary conditions using an unofficial approach. However, as you also
> noticed, there has been little interest in the topic of periodicity
> within the DUNE community, so the developer meeting never got around
> to a proper discussion.
> To make this clear: There is only one officially supported approach to
> periodicity: The one implemented in YaspGrid. The other three grids I
> mentioned above only support an unofficial interface extension that
> should be considered exprimental, though it is quite stable for the
> last 7 years.
> Best,
> Martin
> On 12/12/2016 07:22 PM, Matteo Semplice wrote:
>> Hi,
>> maybe it's me being dumb, but
>> https://www.dune-project.org/doxygen/2.4.1/classDune_1_1Intersection.html
>> still says that on an intersection located on a periodic boundary both
>> neighbor() and boundary() return true and outside() returns a
>> "Ghost-/Overlap
>> cell (with transformed geometry)".
>> I understand the previous statement as follows. Say that I have a 1d
>> periodic
>> grid for the interval [0,1], with elements of size h_i for
>> i=0,...N-1. When I
>> ask for outside() from the interface located at x=0, I understant
>> that I will
>> get a cell of size h_{N-1} but with center located at x<0. However,
>> if I apply a
>> mapper to this outside() element, the mapper tells me that the dofs
>> of the
>> outside element are located at the same place where the dofs of the
>> real cell
>> number N-1 are stored. In this sense I was saying earlier that user
>> code (for
>> finite volume explicit methods) does not even realize that it is
>> operating on a
>> boundary: it can compute polynomial reconstructions, fluxes, etc as
>> it would do
>> on an inner intersection. When I last tested, this part on the mapper
>> did work
>> as I was expecting, but the previous one about the geometry did not.
>> On the other hand Martin is now telling that in order to distinguish
>> a periodic
>> boudary I shouldnot follow the table in the abovementioned docs, but
>> instead
>> compute "dist" as suggested below and compare it with zero, and (I
>> guess) make
>> the geometry transformation by myself if needed.
>> I did not check the docs for the proposed 2.5 release, but may I
>> suggest to
>> clarify this point (unless it has already been done, of course)?
>> Best regards,
>> Matteo
>> On 12/12/16 16:01, Aleksejs Fomins wrote:
>>> Hey Martin,
>>> Thank you very much, that's exactly what I was looking for :)
>>> On 12.12.2016 15:00, Martin Nolte wrote:
>>>> Hi Aleksejs,
>>>> for the "periodic boundary condition" approach, the periodic
>>>> boundaries are
>>>> marked as boundaries (e.g, AlbertaGrid, ALUGrid, SPGrid), but
>>>> report neighbor
>>>> to be true. They will return the "glued" element on the other side
>>>> of the
>>>> domain as their outside entity.
>>>> You can, then, obtain the distance between the two boundaries by
>>>> the following
>>>> expression:
>>>> auto dist = geoIn.global( xIn ) - geoOut.global( xOut )
>>>> where
>>>> - geoIn = intersection.inside().geometry()
>>>> - geoOut = intersection.outside().geometry()
>>>> - xIn = intersection.geometryInInside().global( x )
>>>> - xOut = intersection.geometryInOutside().global( x )
>>>> For non-periodic intersection, dist is zero.
>>>> Notice: There is one little caveat: We usually require boundary
>>>> intersections
>>>> to be comforming. For periodic boundaries, I always ignored this
>>>> requirement.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Martin
>>>> On 12/12/2016 10:10 AM, Aleksejs Fomins wrote:
>>>>> Dear Matteo,
>>>>> Thank you for your answer. While I see the intuitive motivation of
>>>>> having
>>>>> translated periodic ghost elements, I would currently prefer to
>>>>> keep the
>>>>> periodic neighbor there where it is and not translate it. In
>>>>> Floquet's
>>>>> (Bloch's) theory, applicable to i.e. electromagnetics, the field
>>>>> must obtain
>>>>> a phase factor depending on the distance between periodic
>>>>> boundaries, and
>>>>> thus the user code must be aware of periodic neighbors and treat them
>>>>> differently from interior and ghost neighbors. In effect, creating
>>>>> translated elements increases grid complexity and storage, but I
>>>>> do not see
>>>>> yet how it would simplify the user code. When calculating the
>>>>> coupling
>>>>> matrices, integrated over the periodic boundary, the contributions
>>>>> from each
>>>>> neighbor can be evaluated using the same local coordinate, given
>>>>> that the
>>>>> elements are adjusted by the grid to exactly match the orientation.
>>>>> I have a question: How does one denote a periodic boundary in
>>>>> Dune? As far
>>>>> as I am aware, the partition types are
>>>>> border,
>>>>> interior,
>>>>> front,
>>>>> overlap and
>>>>> ghost
>>>>> Is there some other variable within the grid that is responsible
>>>>> for the
>>>>> periodicity?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Aleksejs
>>>>> On 12.12.2016 08:42, Matteo Semplice wrote:
>>>>>> Dear everybody,
>>>>>> a few years ago I had raised the issue that the behaviour of
>>>>>> dune was
>>>>>> in fact different from what announced in the documentation. In
>>>>>> particular I
>>>>>> read the documentation as saying "if you ask for the outer
>>>>>> element from an
>>>>>> interface on a periodic boundary, you get a fake element with the
>>>>>> periodically transformed geometry but the id of the real
>>>>>> element". This
>>>>>> would allow to make no change at all in the user code for periodic
>>>>>> boundaries, since the user would not see at all the boundary.
>>>>>> Unfortunately
>>>>>> most grid implementations at the time did not comply to this
>>>>>> statement and
>>>>>> the discussion on the list ended with "we will change the
>>>>>> documentation",
>>>>>> which was entirely fair since I was not volunteering to do the
>>>>>> job! So, on
>>>>>> the one hand, this is just to say that it's not that I lost
>>>>>> interest, I
>>>>>> just stopped asking (since again I do not feel I have the ability
>>>>>> to do the
>>>>>> job).
>>>>>> On the other hand, at the time I had written a small code that
>>>>>> can be
>>>>>> compiled with the usual "GRIDTYPE=XX GRIDDIM=NN make" trick and
>>>>>> that checks
>>>>>> the behaviour of dune on periodic interfaces for that grid
>>>>>> implementation.
>>>>>> Needless to say that I would be happy to share it, if it can be
>>>>>> of interest
>>>>>> to anyone working on periodic boundaries.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Matteo
>>>>>> On 09/12/16 12:53, Martin Nolte wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Aleksejs,
>>>>>>> there has been quite some discussion on periodic boundary
>>>>>>> conditions.
>>>>>>> Currently, there are two approaches:
>>>>>>> Approach 1:
>>>>>>> Consider the flat torus T^n = R^n / Z^n. In this case, you can
>>>>>>> condider your
>>>>>>> computational domain to be R^n itself and theoretically imagine
>>>>>>> a grid with
>>>>>>> infinitely many elements such that for each (geometrical)
>>>>>>> element E and
>>>>>>> each i
>>>>>>> in Z^n, E + i is also an element of the grid. Factoring out Z^n,
>>>>>>> you end up
>>>>>>> with a grid for T^n.
>>>>>>> Now, imagine you also have infinitely many processors and assign
>>>>>>> to each cube
>>>>>>> [0,1]^n to one processor. This case can (theoretically) be
>>>>>>> handled by the
>>>>>>> parallel interface. As each process only has a shifted copy of
>>>>>>> the grid, we
>>>>>>> periodicity allows us to consider only one representative of the
>>>>>>> parallel
>>>>>>> processes, i.e., 1 process (which then communicates with
>>>>>>> itself). I hope
>>>>>>> it is
>>>>>>> clear how this can be extended to multiple "real" processors.
>>>>>>> This approach is implemented in YaspGrid.
>>>>>>> There is one little tweak to notice: As far as I know, the
>>>>>>> identified
>>>>>>> elements
>>>>>>> are considered copies of each other. This might lead to problems
>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>> coordinate function, which is not periodic at all. I'm not sure
>>>>>>> whether this
>>>>>>> question was thoroughly discussed, though.
>>>>>>> Approach 2:
>>>>>>> Let us consider the flat torus to be constructed by glueing
>>>>>>> together opposite
>>>>>>> sides of the unit cube. In other words, we consider elements on
>>>>>>> the right
>>>>>>> boundary to have an intersection with elements on the left
>>>>>>> boundary (and vice
>>>>>>> versa). But that's it, the subentities are not identified.
>>>>>>> In this case, parallelization is also clear. For each
>>>>>>> intersection, the
>>>>>>> neighboring element should exist as a ghost.
>>>>>>> A few years ago, there was quite some discussion on this, but
>>>>>>> people seem to
>>>>>>> have lost interest. I'm not sure whether there is a "right and
>>>>>>> wrong".
>>>>>>> Personally, I consider both approaches viable, depending on your
>>>>>>> goal.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>> PS: You can find some more information in the appendix of my phd
>>>>>>> thesis.
>>>>>>> On 12/09/2016 11:52 AM, Aleksejs Fomins wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear Dune,
>>>>>>>> I need to implement periodic boundary conditions into
>>>>>>>> dune-curvilineargrid now.
>>>>>>>> Would you be so kind to tell me if the current dune-grid interface
>>>>>>>> envisions periodic boundaries and associated ghost elements,
>>>>>>>> and how.
>>>>>>>> The questions of interest are: partiton type, behavior of
>>>>>>>> intersection,
>>>>>>>> behavior of DataHandle
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Aleksejs
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