[Dune] Dune in Archlinux

Lukas Böger dev at lboeger.de
Fri Jul 29 10:58:41 CEST 2016

Dear Archlinux users,

the following packages are now in the Arch User Repository:

dune-common 2.4.1
dune-geometry 2.4.1
dune-grid 2.4.1
dune-localfunctions 2.4.1
dune-istl 2.4.1
dune-typetree 2.4.1
dune-pdelab 2.4.1
dune-alugrid 2.4.0
ug 3.11.0
alberta 3.0.1
psurface 1.3.1

As an example, to install all available dune modules together extra

pacaur -S eigen parmetis suitesparse superlu ug alberta lapack psurface
pacaur -S dune-{common,geometry,grid,localfunctions,istl}
pacaur -S dune-{typetree,pdelab,alugrid}

When installing only selected dune modules or less external libraries,
the omitted packages might nevertheless be temporarily installed as
build dependencies - the packages are always compiled with (almost) full
functionality, and the user chooses which persistent dependencies are
desired. To this end, I didn't want to include every optional dependency
reported by cmake but rather scanned source files for hints from HAVE_.*
macros and selected dependencies based on that.

It should be easy to edit compiler options during installation (e.g.
add --disable-fem-toolbox for alberta to speed up the build). So far, I
tested the package builds with gcc 6.1.1 and clang 3.8.0.

As I expect the number of users who work with Dune on Archlinux to be
small, I am very glad to get notification from those, whenever problems
with these packages occur.


P.S. for users not familiar with Arch: packages in the Arch User
Repository (AUR) are user content and unsupported as such. The AUR
provides an infrastructure for easy compilation and installation of
packages from source while managing dependencies. These packages are
sometimes included into the officially supported, precompiled
repositories later on, but for this to happen, they need a certain
popularity count and a 'trusted user' interested in maintaining them
(both not likely in this case).

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