[Dune] SuperLU with CMake

Gergely Schmidt schmidt at hydromech.uni-hannover.de
Thu Feb 9 16:02:49 CET 2017

Hi Christoph,

Thank you very much for your answer. My linear system is actually quite 
large because of unbalanced model geometry. I only tried AMG so far, so 
I figured, SuperLU or UMFPACK might make my simulations faster, don’t they?

My output was the same whatever I tried: “The following OPTIONAL 
packages have not been found: […] * SuperLU”. I tried with cmake and 
setting theCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH with the same result, too. Which is odd, 
because setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH accordingly works for UG.

Here are the commands I performed after downloading and extracting 
SuperLU 5.2.1 to /home/gergo/SUPERLU/ and DUNE source code to 

cd /home/gergo/SUPERLU/

cp MAKE_INC/make.linux make.inc

vi make.inc # set SuperLUroot to $(HOME)/SUPERLU

mkdir build/ && cd build/

cmake ..; make; make install

cd /home/gergo/DUNE/

vi my-debug.opts # add“-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/gergo/SUPERLU/build \” 

--opts=/home/gergo/DUNE/my-debug.opts --use-cmake all

Does somebody recognize a mistake here?

Thanks and kind regards!


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