[Dune] installation fails - now dune-alugrid Out of memory, malloc failed

Christoph GrĂ¼ninger foss at grueninger.de
Sun Mar 25 22:59:51 CEST 2018

Hi Susanne,
you should learn the tools around Dune. Relying on the script that
provided everything for a course won't scale for real work.

If you want to stick to your script, find the line where it clones
dune-alugrid. Either comment this line or add "-b releases/2.5" to it,
to force the checkout of the right branch.
I assume back then when you attended the course, dune-alugrid's master
branch was still compatible with Dune 2.4. This has changed in the meantime.

Learning our build-system will be beneficial in the long. Check
https://dune-project.org/doc/tutorials/ especially "how to get started"
and the "installation notes. They explain where to find dunecontrol
(within dune-common/bin/) and how to use it.
If you have additional questions, feel free to ask.


Unfortunately, plots are notoriously hard to get right. Partly, the
default settings of programs like gnuplot or Excel are to blame for
this since these programs make it very convenient to create bad plots.
                        -- Till Tantau, "The TikZ and PGF Packages"

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