[Dune] dune 2.6 - 2.7 compatibility

Christoph Grüninger foss at grueninger.de
Mon Feb 8 23:19:20 CET 2021

Hello Mona,
which CPlantBox are you referring to? I found a project with root
growth, but it seems to be unrelated to Dune or DuMux. So no visible
dependency as far as I can see.

Is there a reason you cannot use Dune 2.7? According to DuMuX
compatibility matrix [1], DuMuX 3.0 works with Dune 2.7.
Further, in most cases code written for a Dune version x.y can be
compiled with Dune version x.(y+1) with a couple of deprecation warnings.

Your approach should work, too. But it might be better to try a commit
from the Git repository of dune-grid-glue, that might just work with
Dune 2.6 without being an actual release. There are not many commits
within the last two years. I'd start with 86408114 just from reading the
commit messages. Might be, that there is no commit that works smoothly
with Dune 2.6, though.



Am 04.02.21 um 17:15 schrieb Giraud, Mona:
> Dear Dune developers,
> I am a student working with Dune, Dumux and CPlantBox.
> CPlantBox is compatible with  Dumux-3.0 and Dune-2.6.
> However, it also uses the the module dune-grid-glue. This module has no
> 2.6 release so the 2.7 release is used instead.
> dune-grid-glue-2.7 requires the
> file "dune-common/dune/common/parallel/mpicommunication.hh"
> It is not availale in dune-common-2.6:
> "/https://dune-project.org/releases/2.7.1//
> /Deprecated header dune/common/parallel/collectivecommunication.hh which
> will be removed after Dune 2.7. /
> /Use dune/common/parallel/communication.hh instead!/
> /Deprecated header dune/common/parallel/mpicollectivecommunication.hh
> which will be removed after Dune 2.7. /
> /Use dune/common/parallel/mpicommunication.hh instead!/"
> I therefore copied the mpicollectivecommunication.hh file and renamed
> the copy mpicommunication.hh.
> I ran some examples and everything seems to be working ok but, according
> to your knowledge of dune and dune-grid-glue, do you think this ad-hoc
> solution could create some issues that I have not detected?
> In case it might be useful, you will find attached the code used to
> install and compile the modules (adapted from the bin_installdumux.py
> file written by the dumux development team).
> Thank you for your help.
> Best,
> Mona Giraud
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