[Dune] Question on the example problem from the tutorial

Unagami, Genki genki.unagami at tum.de
Thu Jul 22 15:40:20 CEST 2021


I have a question regarding the example problem from the document "getting started with DUNE".

Could you briefly explain the math behind the following lines? Why can you estimate the appropriate quadrature order by these calculations? Also, why are they slightly different from each other?

int order = 2 * (localFiniteElement.localBasis().order()-1); (P.18, "For DUNE ver. 2.7", 2020)

int order = 2∗(dim∗localFiniteElement.localBasis().order()−1); (P.19 "For DUNE ver. 2.4", 2016)

Best regards,

Genki Unagami
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