[Dune] Parallel AMG with unstructured mesh

Paul Maidl paul.maidl at uni-ulm.de
Tue Nov 7 14:55:42 CET 2023

Dear Dune-Developers,


I am a PhD Student at Uni Ulm working with the dune core library together
with dune-alugird and dune-multidomaingrid. 

Currently I try to do the parallelization of my FE solver and I want to use
an AMG preconditioner. My current idea is, to use the AMG from dune-istl. I
tried to transform the example from git in


I am not sure how to fill the parallel index set for the communication. Here
are my questions:

-          Can I use Dune::OwnerOverlapCopyCommunication,
Dune::OverlappingSchwarzOperator also for an unstructured mesh with no
overlap of the cells? Due to the used finite element discretization there is
an overlap of the degrees of freedom. 

-          Is there any efficient way to fill the parallel index set? In the
example this is done by hand but I am not sure how to do this on an
unstructured mesh. 

-          Is there any example where the paamg is used together with an
unstructured mesh?


Thank you very much for your help and best regards

Paul Maidl



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