[Dune-devel] [SOCIS 2014]: C++11 threads vs POSIX threads

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Sun Jun 8 17:17:13 CEST 2014

Hi Marco,

> I prefer the C++11 way like you. Moreover I see threads just 
>an additional feature since they do not add any functionality 
>apart a performance boost.

But the performance boost is most important on supercomputer
which have good multi-threading possibilities. And on these
computers the backwards compatibility is must crucial. Thus,
your argument is kind of weak.

> Obviously libraries could help but I always prefer the STL 
> to external ones since it is standardized. 
> Since every C++ developer is familiar with it, it is more 
> simple for everyone to contribute to the code without 
> spending time learning new libraries.

Please have a closer look at the libraries I named. They seem
to implement the C++11 threading for compilers that do not
natively offer these capabilities.


Das Kommt darauf an, in welchen Zeiträumen du
rechnest. Für Geologen: ja, in naher Zukunft
[Stefan Seyfried in suse-laptop]

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