[Dune-devel] First impressions with new website infrastructure

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Sun Feb 14 20:16:05 CET 2016

Hi Dominic,
working with Hugo feels way better then WML. Once we ironed
out some issues, I will be a clear improvement.
Things I stumbled upon:

* I am not allowed to push to master. I know you are a huge
   fan of working on branches. But I don't see the advantage
   to force everybody into using branches. When I update the
   website, I usually have only small changes and don't want
   the extra burden of creating branches and accepting them.
   Sure, it's only a couple of extra commands, but still…
* All images and PDFs are in LFS and not in the common Git
   repo. I ended up downloading the whole .5 GiB LFS stuff.
   That will improve once I learned Git LFS. I am not sure
   whether I want to have small binary files in Git and only
   large stuff in LFS. Let's see how this develops.
   So no Hiwi's fault that the images where missing, it's me.
* We should add a small howto for building the homepage.
   This should include downloading the stuff via LFS
   updating them.
* All LSF-downloaded binaries where added for the commit.
   That's dangerous, someone will push this stuff sooner or
   later. Can we do something about this?


Je n'ai rien contre les étrangers, quelques uns de mes 
meilleurs amis
sont des étrangers. Mais ces étrangers là ne sont pas de chez 
[Agecanonix, Astérix - Le cadeau de César]

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