[dune-functions] [Dune-functions-commit] [Commit] dune-functions - e7abafb: Add protocol for Aachen meeting

Christian Engwer christian.engwer at uni-muenster.de
Wed Mar 26 18:23:59 CET 2014

> I keep thinking that we may not want to support multi-physics problems
> in this way.  It appears to make life much more difficult.
> Multiplying two spaces defined on two different domains is something
> different than multiplying two spaces on the same domain after all,
> in that the product space is not isomorphic to a vector-valued space
> on the common domain.  Maybe we should treat multi-physics be a
> separate mechanism?

we have been thinking about this for quite a time and didn't come up
with a better solution. If you have a good proposal, we are happy to
learn :-)


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