[dune-pdelab] Dune::UGGrid<2>::communicate() codim=1 requested

Alexander Schlaich schlaich at icp.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Nov 8 10:22:32 CET 2011

Dear all,

I have a well-tested working finite element code for my problem using P1 
elements provided by pdelab:
I'm using UG and this code runs fine in parallel, too.

When switching to higher order elements using
Dune::PDELab::Pk2DLocalFiniteElementMap<GV, ctype, Real, elementorder>
sequential runs behave as expected, but for the parallel case I get the 
following error:

Dune reported error: NotImplemented 
Dune::UGGrid<2>::communicate(): Only supported for codim=0 and 
codim=dim(=2), but codim=1 was requested

Could you please give me a hint what exactly causes this problems and if 
possible how to circumvent?

I use 2.1 svn snapshot of the core-modules and the corresponding pdelab 

Thanks in advance for your replies,


Alexander Schlaich
Institut für Computerphysik
Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 27
D-70569 Stuttgart

Tel: +49-711 685-60458
Fax: +49-711 685-63658

e-mail: schlaich at icp.uni-stuttgart.de


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