[Dune] wrong header files Makefile.am

Benedikt Oswald benedikt.oswald at psi.ch
Mon Aug 6 10:01:14 CEST 2007

Dear Dune developers, there appears to be 2 wrong header
files in an automake file in dune-grid:

dune-grid/grid/uggrid: the 2d and 2d headers have been  removed
from the snv repository and the compilation files, unless
the ugwrapper.hh is inserted.

If this is changed, then it works fine.

Have a great day! Benedikt

# $Id: Makefile.am 3774 2007-07-30 08:09:32Z sander $

if UG

noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libuggrid.la

libuggrid_la_SOURCES  = uggrid.cc uggridentity.cc boundaryextractor.cc boundaryextractor.hh \
                         uggridindexsets.cc ugintersectionit.cc lagrangeshapefunctions.cc \



uggriddir = $(includedir)/dune/grid/uggrid/
uggrid_HEADERS = uggridgeometry.cc \
   uggridentitypointer.hh uggridhieriterator.cc \
   ugwrapper.hh uggridentity.hh uggridgeometry.hh \
   uggridhieriterator.hh uggridleveliterator.hh ugincludes.hh \
   ugintersectionit.hh uggridindexsets.hh \
   uggridleafiterator.hh uggridrenumberer.hh \
   ug_undefs.hh ug_undefs_lgm_seq.hh p2geometry.hh \
   shapefunctions.hh lagrangeshapefunctions.hh simplexshapefunctions.hh \
   cubeshapefunctions.hh prismshapefunctions.hh pyramidshapefunctions.hh

# tricks like undefAllMacros.pl don't have to be shipped, have they?
# Oliver Sander: It depends. undefAllMacros.pl creates the file ug_undefs.hh
# which contains an #undef line for each macro encountered in the UG
# headers which DUNE includes.  This should be redone every time UG
# changes, and currently I do it and then check in the new ug_undefs.hh.
# An alternative would be to have the DUNE-build system call undefAllMacros
# for the UG it is configured with.  Then it needed to be shipped.

include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules


Benedikt Oswald, Dr. sc. techn., dipl. El. Ing. ETH, www.psi.ch, Computational Accelerator Scientist,
Paul Scherrer  Institute (PSI), CH-5232 Villigen, Suisse, benedikt.oswald at psi.ch, +41(0)56 310 32 12
quamquam sint sub aqua, sub aqua maledicere temptant. http://maxwell.psi.ch/amaswiki/index.php/User:BenediktOswald

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