[Dune] [#445] Add a module for approximate comparison [patch] (Attachment added)

Christian Engwer christi at uni-hd.de
Wed Oct 22 13:48:46 CEST 2008

Hi Andreas,

> I do not see any reason to change our coding style
> (documented on the dune homepage) and as far as I
> see it the code here seems to be written in the style
> use in the other dune modules. So what exactly is the
> suggestion for changing the style?

On the last meeting (and also before) we were discussing the codign
style. We do have a coding style. But we were never ably to completely
comply to the coding style. The problem erises for example, where ever
you write a class that should be stl compatible. This lead to the
situation where we have a wild mixture of camelcase and stl-style code
in dune-common. I would not suggest to change the stye of all
modules, bu the question is, how to procede in future. I think we must
consider changing the dune-common style guidelines to stl-style,
because especially in dune-common a lot of classes are intended to be
stl compatible. This must not be a "we change everything right away"
decision, but would affect new classes.

I vote for a change in the coding style.


PS: Even in dune-grid the style is not completely consistent. And many
	aspects of coding style were never even discussed.

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