[Dune] Dune registered at ohloh.net

Andreas Dedner dedner at mathematik.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Sep 10 15:46:56 CEST 2009

what is the point of having commit ratings? Should everybody now try
to boost their rating by committing a lot of small documentation fixes
(one commit per error corrected). Most of us have to apply for
jobs somewhere and one should keep in mind that all public information
on the web might be used here.

So again: do we want these sort of rating. Is Christian a bad developer
since his comment ratio is only 3.3 (dedner is above 20)?

We think the developer team should discuss issues concerning our public
image. We know of course that as long as there is anonymous checkout
of the svn repository, there is no way to avoid this information finding
its way onto the internet except using daily snapshots.

That said, it is great that DUNE is more visible through the new web
page only the form seems to us problematic.

Andreas, Martin, Robert

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