[Dune] gridview communicate()

Vogelbacher Florian Florian.Vogelbacher at psi.ch
Fri Sep 10 11:57:51 CEST 2010

Dear Dune,

to parallelize my discontinuous galerkin solver I call inside a non 
overlapping operator object the

gridviewcommunicate(CommDataHandleIF<DataHandle,Data>& datahandle, 
InterfaceType interface, CommunicationDirection direction) function.

The datahandle is a derived class of CommDataHandleIF and of CODIM0. Now 
I have the different options for the interface type.

- InteriorBorder_InteriorBorder_Interface,
- InteriorBorder_All_Interface
- Overlap_OverlapFront_Interface
- Overlap_All_Interface
- All_All_Interface

To have access to ghost element data I call the interface type 
Overlap_All_Interface, however nothing is received or send. With 
All_All_Interface it does work, however it seems a little bit brutal to 
me to send everything to everyone in some sense. But why does 
Overlapp_All_Interface not send anything?

Thank you very much.

Best wishes

Paul Scherrer Institut
Florian Vogelbacher
5232 Villigen PSI

Mail: 	Florian.Vogelbacher at psi.ch
Phone:	+41 (0) 563105019
Web:	www.psi.ch

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