[Dune] Release branches for the upcoming 2.1 release created

Oliver Sander sander at mi.fu-berlin.de
Thu Feb 17 12:28:50 CET 2011

Dear Dune!
I have just created release branches for the Dune core modules for the
upcoming 2.1 release.  The can be downloaded by

svn checkout 

and correspondingly for dune-grid, dune-istl, dune-localfunctions,
dune-grid-howto, dune-grid-dev-howto.  Let the bugfixing begin!

In the process, I have switched over our repository layout from our own
homegrown way to the classic svn style.  In a nutshell, this means
- development takes place in 'trunk', as before
- all bugfixing for the 2.1 release takes place in
- When we actually do the first release, the content of release-2.1 will
   be copied to dune-modulname/tags/release-2.1.0.  That is what the
   tarball is created from.  There will be no commits _ever_ in the 'tags'
   directory.  Further bugfixing for 2.1 is again done in 
   If we want to do a 2.1.1 release we again copy the content of 
   to tags/release-2.1.1.

If I remember correctly, managers of this release are the folks in Freiburg.
I don't quite know how to set the proper permissions on the server.  Maybe
somebody in Heidelberg can step in?  Thanks.


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