[Dune] #if HAVE_BOOST fails in dune-istl

Christoph Grüninger christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Jan 30 16:17:21 CET 2012

my comment was mistakable.

>> If you did everything right in your Makefile.am you might call
>> ax_boost_base.m4 somewhere in your configure run. Usually this
>> should be done only by dune_boost_base.m4 because only the dune test
> I don't think ax_boost_base.m4 is enough to get ENABLE_BOOST -- the prefix ax_
> means it's from autoconf-archive.  Of course, somebody might have been lazy
> and copied the file from autoconf-archive, then modified it to suit Dune
> without renaming it (and the macros therein).  I'd consider that a bug though,
> since that wouldn't play nice with a call to ax_boost_base.m4's macros from
> somewhere else.

I wanted to state that calling ax_boost_base.m4 might cause the trouble. 
So please check whether you do it. Do only use dune_boost_base.m4 
because only that test sets BOOST_ENABLE.

Have you included BOOST_CPPFLAGS and BOOST_LDFLAGS in your Makefile.am 
for the program?


Wäre es nicht schön [..], wenn der Gödelsche Satz oder die Relativi-
tätstheorie tatsächlich unmittelbare und weitrechende Implikationen
für das Studium der Gesellschaft hätten? Oder wenn das Auswahlaxiom
der Analyse von Gedichten dienlich wäre? Oder wenn die Topologie etwas
mit der menschlichen Psyche zu tun hätte? Aber leider ist dem nicht so.
[A. Sokal, J. Bricmont, Eleganter Unsinn, 1999]

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