[Dune] how to integrate curvilinear tetrahedral elements into DUNE/Alugrid ?

Benedikt Oswald benedikt.oswald at lspr.ch
Thu Jan 23 09:32:16 CET 2014

Dear Dune

as it happens we are forced to consider drastic steps to increase the efficiency of our electromagnetic solvers,
especially in the frequency domain.

Recently, Peter Bastian suggested we use curvilinear elements in order to model our curved geometry and domain
boundaries. In fact, we believe that this will help us enormously since the element count will be much reduced.

Peter also suggested we use the geometry grid on top of ALUGrid in order to achieve this.

Now, my concrete questions is: given an existing curvilinear mesh (e.g. from gush), how would we do this ?

I read that geometry grid manages the vertices of the underlying grid, but, a curvilinear tetrahedral element has
vertices not only in the corners but also on the edges, faces and inside the volume.
Perhaps my question is trivial, nevertheless, I'd appreciate your suggestions.

I should say that gmsh is capable of generating quite nice curvilinear tetrahedral meshes, at least up to 3rd order.

Greetings and thanks in advance, Benedikt

Dr. sc. techn. Benedikt Oswald - first engineer - LSPR AG - phone - +41 43 366 90 74
Technoparkstrasse 1, CH-8005 Zürich, benedikt.oswald at lspr.ch

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