[Dune] Dune in Archlinux

Lukas Böger dev at lboeger.de
Fri Jul 29 11:20:22 CEST 2016

>> P.S. for users not familiar with Arch: packages in the Arch User
>> Repository (AUR) are user content and unsupported as such. The AUR
>> provides an infrastructure for easy compilation and installation of
>> packages from source while managing dependencies. These packages are
>> sometimes included into the officially supported, precompiled
>> repositories later on, but for this to happen, they need a certain
>> popularity count and a 'trusted user' interested in maintaining them
>> (both not likely in this case).
> For openSuse they are part of the science repository. I think it helped
> that Debian has them in their science repository which was kind of a
> proof of relevance.

This proof of relevance in Arch would rather be a certain number of
votes made by registered Arch users, best constant over time. Arch
doesn't have specific repositories for e.g. science, and I think the
existing ones are kept small on purpose.

A direct way to offering precompiled packages is hosting a custom
repository online, which shouldn't be hard to setup and requires an Arch
user to only add a couple of lines to a config file (similar to e.g.
adding entries in /etc/apt/sources.list.d). However, my guess is still
that the number of Dune-on-Arch users wouldn't justify the effort.


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