[Dune] Intersection area and corners

Marco Cisternino marco.cisternino at optimad.it
Wed Jun 8 17:57:49 CEST 2016

Hi Christoph,
I don't know if I really understand what you suggest.
I try to interpretate.
I suggest to solve one problem at the time and to initially focus on why I cannot build any new module depending on dune-subgrid
Let me do the things as simple as I can.

- I deflate the following dune 2.4.1 modules: common, geometry, grid; plus subgrid-r424.
- I run "dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=file.opts all" and everything works fine, no error message
- I run "dune-common/bin/dune" giving dune-test as project name and the following dependencies  dune-common, dune-geometry, dune-grid, dune-subgrid; and no problem yet
- finally I run "dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=file.opts --only=dune-test all", and it doesn't work!!
As attachment you have the standard output print of the last command. I cannot see any other log file.
If you need more, please don't hesitate.

Meanwhile, I'll try to build my toy module showing the problem with GeometryGrid without dune-subgrid and see if the problem persists.

Thanks again,


Da: Christoph Grüninger <christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de>
Inviato: mercoledì 8 giugno 2016 17.18.19
A: Marco Cisternino; Carsten Gräser; Dune
Oggetto: Re: [Dune] Intersection area and corners

Hi Marco,
forget about your module for a moment. To track down the issue
it would
be benefical to port your problem to Dune 2.4.1. If the error
someone might be willing/able to track it there.

> The only problem I have with subgrid module is that I cannot
> build a new module with dune 2.4.1 and subgrid r424. Do you
> know why? It works perfectly with dune 2.3.0... and it is a
> matter of cmake.

Back to your module. Given your details, I cannot help. Can
you share
some complete error log? Complete means removing the build
of the errornous module, the everything from configure and
build from
this very module.


On the one hand [computer "science"] has components
of the purest of mathematics and on the other hand
of the dirtiest of engineering. -- A. Oettinger 1967
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